Friday, 10 August 2007

minutes of meeting


At Apperley CC Pavilion on Thursday 9th Aug at 7.30 pm


Mr & Mrs Ward, Mr & Mrs Lord, Mr & Mrs Scorer, Mr & Mrs Springett, Mr & Mrs Checkley, Mr & Mrs J Hall, Mr & Mrs Gardner, Mr Phelps, Mr & Mrs MacPherson, Mr & Mrs Curran, Mr & Mrs A Leeke, Miss H Leeke, Mr & Mrs B Leeke, Mr R Leeke, Mr & Mrs K Samuel, Mr W Morris, Mrs Dibble, Mr & Mrs Rutter.
Mr L Robertson MP, Mr Waters & Mr Pollard ( both Deerhust PC).


1. Mr Robertson advised the meeting that he had recently been in contact with Hazel Blears regarding the flood problems and that he intended to highlight the Tewkesbury area plight in Parliament when it sits again in October. The Gov’t money allocations were not yet clear and his intentions were to do his best to ensure that the EA and TBC were given adequate resources to meet the proven needs.

2. The meeting warmly supported with applause the sincere thanks to the Samuel’s and Morris’s families for their wonderful & wholehearted endeavours on Sunday July 22nd

3. Brad Checkley detailed the weakness of our present flood defences and stated that as a civil engineer, he considered that the village could be successfully defended against 2007 type floods by improving the banks, gates & pumps. Much discussion ranged about this subject with general agreement by the two major landowners of the above statement. It was agreed that we should undertake a detailed survey of the banks especially as the present levels are below the 1947 bench mark levels.

4. Will Morris reported on the major land owners’ views of the situation with concerns about the EA’s and TBC’s ability to suitably prioritise our requirements regarding the defences.

5. Andrew Leeke discussed an option to best represent our interests. A Company Limited by Guarantee comprising of village home owners was proposed to focus our endeavours and concentrate the minds of the authorities whenever we wished matters highlighted (a document was given to each family detailing the proposal). The meeting agreed unanimously that this matter should be pursued and Mr Leeke was requested to draw up the appropriate documentation for consideration at a future meeting.

6. Kenny Samuel stated that he intended to clear the roads and repair the damage to his fields in the very near future. He agreed that it would be appropriate to recompense Marcus Smith and John Cutter for their excellent work on the 22nd July. The new Committee/ Trustees/ Directors shall consider this at an early opportunity.

7. Dave Waters and Jim Pollard were warmly thanked for their support of the
villagers during the total disturbance.

8. It was agreed to hold another meeting at the ACC Pavilion on Tuesday 14th August at 7.30 pm to form a Committee (or Trustees/ Directors).

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