Wednesday, 1 August 2007

it hurts ...

it reminds me of one of the Leslie Nielsen films where people are told to "move on, nothing to see here" when madness takes place in the background. What we regard as normalcy is something very different for visitors, a low level armageddon (the white goods waiting to be assessed, all the carpets, kitchen stuff, books etc flung into gardens)

The visitors to the village can be divided up into:

- rubber neckers (slightly gormless crew who come down, see a muddy road and some rubbish and have to turn back - this does upset many of those who are left in the village) Why would you want to come down here? all the good photos are on this blog anyway!
- rubber neckers with a reason, mostly nefarious. We do need a road closed sign up here.
- villagers still living here
- friends of villagers, offers from help from the Saintly Wisemen family and other apperley-ites very much appreciated
- villagers not living here (this is going to become a bit of a ghost village soon as people who are leaving are putting all their stuff into storage but there are potential looters hence ...)
- police (always welcome)
- people who come to see the Church which is always a steady trickle

Bad News!: punctured a tyre on way back from collecting water. If you excuse the pun, it never rains but it floods.
Nothing in the Telegraph today which is a relief as do not fancy photos that were being taken. We are not media whores!

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