Tuesday, 21 August 2007

flood assistance

The Furniture Recycling Project is currently co-ordinating the collection & distribution of donated furniture & white goods if you need them? Their number is: 01452 302303 and the officer here should you need to speak with him is: Adrian Goode, 01684 272268. Adrian is also helping to co-ordinate the distribution of cleaning products, namely bleach so if you need further supplies give him a call. (CHANGE!!! - The central number for the furniture recycling and white goods has changed to 01452 318978 and the contact is a Bryony Turner. Therefore the number given yesterday will no longer apply.)

Once your insurance assessors have been in the Borough refuse service will collect flood damaged goods but given the sheer scale of households affected, people are being asked to register for collection by calling: 01684 272193. They are starting to catch up on themselves, however currently you may have to wait up to a week from the time you register.

You should have already received a copy of the Gloucestershire Relief Fund application form? Shout if not as I can always send one over to you. This is a recently established charity set up on behalf of all the districts & local churches to distribute financial donations to those affected by the recent floods. I think you can apply for a sum per household for the cost of damages that your insurances won't cover. This does however include any insurance excess you may have paid out as a result of claiming. You may also be entitled to 6 months rate relief on your council tax. The criteria for that is that you had to of been flooded out of your residence (which in the case of Deerhurst seems to be a given!) For more information on that you will need to speak to our Benefits dept: 01684 295010. There is also a 'Flooding & Historic Buildings' technical advice note from English Heritage. Copies are available from the Planning Department. Again I think there is an overall expectation that insurances would cover in the main but it may be worth checking whether English heritage are offering any form of financial assistance to help restore listed properties affected by flood damage? Locally, further advice is available from our Conservation Officer, Sarah Lewis.

The South West Regional Development Agency has established a relief fund to assist businesses that were affected by the flooding. Again applications can be made to the tune of £2.5k plus rate relief in certain cases. Business Link are co-ordinating that on: 0845 6009006.

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