Wednesday, 19 September 2007

18 september meeting


Minutes of the 18 September Meeting held at ACC Pavilion at 7.30 pm

Attendance: A Leeke, B Leeke, W Morris, J Rutter, W Phelps, B Checkley.
Apologies: K Samuel, T Morris

1. Minutes of the DPCC Meeting of 30th August agreed as a true record.
2. Matters arising:
2.1 A. Leeke is in liaison with the Charity Commissioners.
2.2 Payments to J Cutter & M Smith. Invoices now submitted to the Yorks Fire Service. A Schedule of Costs has been requested from the Samuel & Morris families for work done and to be done on the banks.
2.3 The ‘Five Families’ (Baker, Crowley, Fay, Lord & Ward) problems discussed with the EA on August 23rd and covered in A Leeke’s Newsletter of the visit. Potential clay supply, Keyway Ltd visited the village on 31st August. Keyway is very interested in supplying clay and the potential ground work for the banks. Other companies should be investigated in due course.
2.4 Grants. Rotary Club application now pending for £3000.
2.5 The request for donations from each household to be considered latter.
2.6 B Checkley’s ‘Deerhurst Flood Protection Strategy’ and recent survey was debated in some depth. Actions resulting:
2.6.1 B Checkley’s contacts have carried out a full topographical survey. The survey should be available for review on request in about ten days time.
2.6.2 A DPCC meeting will be held to determine the level of protection required (13.5m proposed by B Checkley – the 2007 level was 12.48m and 1947 was 12.37m) and consider appointing a consultant to draw up a full engineering design.
2.6.3 A detailed planning application by Spring 2008 will be targeted.
2.7 A Leeke has written to A Perry (E.A) with a copy of his Newsletter and confirming the points determined on the E.A. August 23rd visit.
2.8 A Leeke has contacted Church House (Mary Coates secretary to Jonathan Mackenzie-Jarvis). A Faculty Petition is now to be submitted by November 2nd.
2.9 W Morris has marked up a village drawing with all known drains, ditches and outlets for B Checkley’s survey.
2.10 B Leeke has liased with M Calway regarding potential grant aid. Basil Booth has been contacted since his visit to Deerhurst by A & B Leeke regarding the £15,000 grant for the survey and engineering design. Similarly A Perry, EA, has been approached to request his support by contacting Basil Booth direct. A meeting to discuss this grant application is to be held in Gloucester on Thursday week. Other sources of aid to be investigated.
2.11 W Phelps’s village flood survey: Copies have been distributed requesting completion and return to him. He awaits many responses………………
2.12 W Phelps is building up a web site for the village
2.13 Good House Keeping publication. Initial discussions with GH indicated that they wish to do some ‘human’ stories about the flood damaged homes and the resultant losses and necessary work involved. A GH donation will be made to our Fund around Christmas and the John Lewis organisation wishes to discuss the possibilities of offering to install their products in a small number of homes. More discussion needed prior to an agreement to being made with both parties.

Next Meeting: TBA

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